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    • Capital: Havana - 2176 thousand (1993).
      Area: 114524 sq. km.
      Population: About 11041 thousand people (1995).
      Admin. division: 14 provinces.
      Language: The official language is Spanish.
      Currency: Monetary unit of the country is a Cuban peso. The official exchange rate: 1 USA = 1 peso.
      Time: Moscow time -8 hours.
      Large cities: Santiago de Cuba - 397 thousand (1989), Camaguey- 279 thousand (1989), Holguin - 223 thousand (1989).
      >>> Telephone directory

    • Geographical position: The country is situated in the Caribbean Sea on Cuba islands, Huventud (till 1978 -Pinos) and a lot of (about 1500) little islands. It is washed by Florida and Yukant Straits in the north and southwest, in the east - by Windward Strait, in the south -by the Caribbean Sea. The highest point of the country is Turkino peak in the south (2005 m).
    • State system: Cuba is the only socialist state in the Western hemisphere. The form of governing is socialist Republic. The highest body of the state is the National Assembly of people's power, which has legislative rights. It selects the State Council among deputies that represents Assembly in break between sessions, and appoints members of Ministers Council - the highest executive and administrative body, which is the government of republic.
    • Climate: Tropical, trade wind. The average temperature of January is 22?C, July- 28?C. The season of rains is since May till October.
    • Miscellaneous: Cuba is the biggest island of Caribbean basin. As well as on the other islands of Caribbean basin summer is the whole year round on Cuba. Cubans are the most cheerful people on the Earth, the most musical. It seems, that good feeling of rhythm in dances & universal love to music they absorb with milk. Even the name of the country reminds a lot of emotions and memoirs, who has visited it.
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