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    • Capital: New Delhi - 7469 thousand (1991).
      Area: 3 165 596 sq. km.
      Population: About 931 044 000 people.
      Admin. division: 25 states and 7 allied territories.
      Language: The official languages are Hindi (speaks more than a half of the population) and English. There are 14 official languages in states.
      Currency: Indian rupee: 100 INR = 2.12675 USD.
      Time: Time is Moscow +2,5 hours.
      Large cities: Bombay - 9910 thousand (1991), Calcutta - 4388 thousand (1991), Madras - 3795 thousand (1991), Bangalore - 3302 thousand (1991), Hyderabad - 2992 thousand (1991), Ahmadabad - 2873 thousand (1991), Kanpur - 1958 thousand (1991), Nagpur - 1622 (1991), Poona
      >>> Telephone directory

    • Geographical position: The state is in the Southern Asia. In the North it borders by Afghanistan, China, Nepal and Bhutan, in the East - by Bangladesh and Burma (Myanma), in the West - by Pakistan. In the East it is washed by the Bay of Bengal, in the South - by the Palk Strait separating it from Sri Lanka, and the Indian Ocean, in the West - by the Arabian Sea.
    • State system: Federal Republic.
    • Climate: Four basic climatic zones: in the Western coast from Bombay up to Trivandrum - hot, damp climate; in the states Rajasthan. Jammu and Kashmir (the Northwest of the country) - hot, dry climate; in the East part of the Peninsula Hindustan and the Northeast states - hot, damp climate; plains of Punjab in the North through mountains Vindh'ja up to the center of the Western part of Deccan - temperate droughty climate.
    • Miscellaneous: India is one of the oldest civilizations of the world. Till the middle of III millennium AD in the territory of India the Druid civilization had developed. In the period from 2500 till 1500 AD the Indo-Aryan tribes had won India. Since VIII century the Islam began to penetrate into India. The Muslim government had been till 1398 when Tamerlan armies came to the country. In 1526 Tamerlan's descendant Babur conquered practically all India and based the Great Moguls Empire that had existed till 1857. The full political government passed to the Great Britain in 1828-1835, and in 1857 India became actually a protectorate of the Great Britain. In August 15, 1947 India received independence, however it was divided into two parts: India and Pakistan. In January 26, 1950 India was proclaimed a Democratic Republic.
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