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    • Capital: Washington.
      Area: 9666861 sq. km.
      Population: 270 mln. people.
      Admin. division: 50 states & 1 federal district.
      Language: English.
      Currency: US dollar.
      Time: There are 6 time zones. Time is Moscow -8-13 hours. In the eastern part (Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Boston) time is Moscow -8 hours.
      Large cities: New York - 7323 thousand(1990), Los Angeles - 3608 thous. (1993), Chicago - 2784 thous. (1990), Houston - 1631 thous. (1990), Philadelphia - 1586 thous. (1990), San Diego - 1111 thous. (1990), Detroit - 1028 thous. (1990), Dallas - 1007 thous. (1990).
      >>> Telephone directory

    • Geographical position: The United States of America id the state if the North America. It consists of 50 states and territories: Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam and Virgin islands. In the north it borders by Canada, in the south by Mexico. In the east it is washed by the Atlantic ocean, in the south - by the Mexico Gulf, in the west - by the Pacific ocean.
    • State system: The form of governing - Federal Republic. The head of the state is the president. The President is elected for a four-year term and may be reelected only once. In case of heavy illness, death, resignation or impeachment, vice-president replaces him. The president - the commander-in-chief of armed forces of the country, appoints to the supreme state posts, has the right of the pardon etc. The supreme legislature is the two-chamber Congress consisting of the Senate (100 people) and the Houses of Representatives (435 deputies).
    • Climate: Moderate. Subtropical at coast of the Pacific ocean (average annual temperature is +20 degrees C here); continental-maritime - at the Atlantic coast (average annual temperature is +12 degrees C); continental - in the centre of the country (average annual temperature is +8 degrees C), Arctic - on Alaska (average annual temperature is -5 degrees C). The highest temperature is in the Western hemisphere (+57 degrees) was fixed in territory of the USA in "the Death valley".
    • Miscellaneous: The United States of America is the country of natural wonders, the fantastic mechanisms, tremendous architecture. USA is the world centre of computer technologies, finance, cinema. The state formation in the territory of USA has appeared only at the end of XVIII century. At the end of XV century the continent of Northern America was discovered by Christopher Columb. The first European settlement in territory of modern United States was San-Augustin city in 1565. At the end of XVIII century in the American colonies of Great Britain a powerful movement for the independence arose, poured out in war, in 1774 - 1776 the Second Continental congress has proclaimed independence of colonies in July, 2 1776, and in two days the formation of the new state was declared.
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