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    • Capital: Rome - 2661 thousand people (1995).
      Area: 301302 sq. km.
      Population: 57910000 people.
      Admin. division: 20 areas, 112 provinces and more than 8000 communes.
      Language: The official language is Italian. In Italy it is possible to speak English, in some cities and tourist centres - German and French languages. Spanish is not distributed.
      Currency: Italian lira: 10000 ITL = 4.45599 USD.
      Time: Moscow -2hours.
      Large cities: Milan - 1369 thousand (1991), Naples - 1067 thousand (19991), Turin - 963 thousand (1991), Palermo - 734 thousand (1990), Genoa - 701 thousand (1990).
      >>> Telephone directory

    • Geographical position: The state is in the South of Europe. In the North it borders by Switzerland and Austria, in the East by Slovenia, in the North-west by France. In the East it is washed by the Adriatic Sea, in the South - by the Ionian Sea and Mediterranean Sea, in the West - by the Tyrrhenian Sea, Ligurian Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Elba, Sicily and Sardinia islands also belong to Italy.
    • State system: Italy is the constitutional parliamentary Republic. The head of the state is the President.
    • Climate: The climate of the major part of Italy is subtropical Mediterranean, in the North - continental, passing into temperate; in mountain areas the climate is mountain. Summer is dry and hot; the average temperature of July is +28 - 30?C, when there is the southern sirocco wind it may raise up to 40?C. Winter is soft. The average temperature of January is from 0?C on the Padan plain (the North of Italy) up to 12?C on the Apennines and islands in the Southern part. Snow lies only in mountains.
    • Miscellaneous: Italy is the classical country of tourism, it is extraordinary popular all over the world. In the course of time it has not lost the attractive force. And though local residents demand rather impressive charge for the Southern hospitality, in this solar country reigns the atmosphere disposing to fun and contact. Temperamental, sometimes unguided, Italians are people of a particular mentality. They are cheerful; they are experts of the cuisine and always ready to support a conversation. Italy offers rest to any taste. Travelers are always fascinated not only at the beautiful various landscapes, extensive beaches, but also at numerous monuments of Italian culture. Every stone, every street, the air itself are impregnated with the magic of creativity. Italy is an open-air museum.
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