LG will release a smartphone with flexible screen [23.09.2015 12:58] Firm LG Display 1 in the world launched serial production of flexible screens for smartphones. As the manufacturer reassures, the screen can fold up to 100 thousand times without any deformation.
Durov told about cooperation with the "IG" [22.09.2015 16:53] Founder of Russian social network "Vkontakte" Pavel Durov gave a Grand interview during the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco.
Skype is "dropped" across the planet [21.09.2015 12:36] Users from different parts of the Earth talk about the dilemmas with access to Skype. In service told that dilemma about are aware of and are looking for ways to address it.
The App Store has undergone a major hacker attack [21.09.2015 10:19] Mall apps from the Apple App Store has undergone a large-scale hacker attack. Network villains managed to enter the malware and infect hundreds of legitimate applications.
Twitter has launched a selection of the best messages [18.09.2015 09:52] Owners of devices on Android worldwide will now be able to receive selections of the most interesting content on Twitter. The blogging service launches feature Highlights, offering users a personal digest of interesting tweets in 35 languages.
Became known the price of the new iPhone [01.09.2015 16:51] In the press leaked information about the cost for new iPhone models that Apple will present to the public on September 9. So, the most inexpensive "Apple" smartphone will cost just over 52 thousand rubles, and the most expensive - in the range of 75 thousand rubles.
Facebook set a record attendance [28.08.2015 12:23] The world famous social network Facebook has set a new record of popularity. Per day own accounts took advantage of 1 billion people. In early June 2015, the number of daily active users of social networks was approximately 968 million.
Hawking found a way in other Universes [26.08.2015 14:24] Famous English astrophysicist has offered the world a new theory about black holes. Stephen Hawking has announced that the poorly known cosmic objects will not dissolve inhabitant of our planet, and will open the way to other Universes.
WhatsApp detected spyware [26.08.2015 13:22] The Secretary of security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev announced that the risk of use of foreign services of Google, Yahoo and WhatsApp. It was also suggested that in the information systems of state authorities found software for foreign technical intelligence.
Twitter has abolished the limitation of 140 characters [13.08.2015 12:58] Fashion social network Twitter has abolished the limitation of 140 characters. However, this applies only to private messages in the public section of the microblogging service, it remains the same.